Why CRS Technologies advocates going Yellow on Payroll

CRS Technologies South Africa, a provider of services and solutions to the Human Resources and Payroll markets in Africa in general and South Africa in particular, is confident of the value that cost-effective payroll solutions can offer – specifically within the SMME market.
The company believes that with the right solution, any business has the necessary tools at hand to be able deal effectively with the dynamics of payroll administration and management.
To this end, and because of the vast amount of experience it has and leadership position it has established, CRS Technologies South Africa is offering business a free desktop trial on its Yellow Payroll system.
There are no terms & conditions to this complimentary solution test. “This is based on soliciting real value, immediately, from technology. A client loads employees on the payroll and runs the solution for sixty days by which time decision makers would either be convinced and use it, or not,” explains James McKerrell, CEO of CRS Technologies South Africa.
Although the Yellow Payroll solution will be of benefit to any business, it is a broad spectrum payroll system that is primarily designed to add value to companies with an employee count below 500 without too many intricate HR and equity requirements.
CRS Technologies offers free telephonic support, but no training on the trial.
Should a client want to invest in the web based solution, pricing is calculated on a sliding scale and the first five employees are free. After the first five, pricing starts at about R15 and decreases as more employees are added. Telephonic support remains free, but consulting is provided according to prescribed rates.
According to McKerrell the small-to-mid-size market will gain substantial value from solutions of this calibre.
“We know that many small businesses still do payroll on Excel spreadsheets for example. A cost effective system seems to be the turning point for most SMMEs. Aside from price, the other driving force is fear. With the labour law tightening, it has become imperative to comply with legislation. The penalties are getting worse. Yellow provides a system that will keep the business owner compliant in all legislative aspects of payroll,” he continues.
For more information, go to http://www.yellowpayroll.co.za/