27 Jul

National Payroll Week


The South African payroll industry is on the move and it is important to be aware of developments and be a part of the transformation process!.

National Payroll Week runs from 28 July to 6 August, and the South African Payroll Association (SAPA) Awards are on 5 August.

We all know the importance of payroll administration in today’s market and an organisation like SAPA is critical to the development of the industry. The Association, which we recently found out is 1006-members strong, of which only about 78 hold a professional payroll qualification. SAPA continues to encourage and is putting in a lot of effort to help ‘professionalise’ payroll practitioners.

While I see the increased professionalisation of Payroll, there is a long way to go when you consider the size of the sector. We also need to grow SAPA membership so if it is something you have not yet gotten around to, join now and come and have a drink with the CRS Payroll team at the upcoming Awards evening!

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